How to get great audio for podcast interviews

Barbara Krasnoff

The Verge

Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge

Podcasts continue to be very popular, and more and more people are getting involved in them. Even if you’re not a podcast creator, at some point, you may find yourself being interviewed on or contributing to someone else’s podcast. In that case, it’s not enough to be ready to talk about your topic — you also want to make sure your voice comes through loud and clear.

We asked The Verge’s senior audio engineer Andrew Marino if he had any audio tips for people who are about to participate in a podcast. Here are his answers to our questions.

Is it better to use my phone’s mic or use my Bluetooth headset?

If this is a live show, the quality of the call is important, as there can be no editing later on, so you want to get good sound. (We’ll...

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