Galaxy S22 throttling fix is out – here’s how it works

Chris Smith


Galaxy S22 throttling fix is out – here’s how it works

Galaxy S22 users discovered a few days ago that an app installed on the phone to optimize game performance is throttling various apps that shouldn’t see such behavior. Absent from the list are benchmarking apps, which prompted Geekbench to remove Samsung’s phones from its service for cheating. Samsung has half-heartedly acknowledged the Galaxy S22 throttling issue, promising a fix via a software update.

This all happened very quickly, with the latest update from Samsung coming a few days ago in the form of answers to frequent questions about the app throttling issue. At the time, we had no idea how long Samsung will need to roll out to fix. But the update is already available in Korea. That means Galaxy S22 series users in others regions should get the fix soon.

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